More About The Chapel
Our work and service at The Chapel is centred around the themes of contemplation, creativity, compassion and community.
We support contemplative living. By this, we mean encouraging activities that allow people to step away from some of the pressures of everyday living and create time to take stock or find a sense of peace. This might include activities such as meditation, prayer, yoga, discussion forums or simply sitting quietly in the tranquillity of our garden. We have no ‘fixed’ philosophy or theology but encourage people to explore their life paths in the setting of a compassionate community.
At The Chapel, we value and seek to support creativity. Be it visual or performing arts; creative thinking or exploration of alternative views of the world, we support people in finding ways in which their creativity can flourish.
The Chapel works in the spirit of compassion. We want to encourage ways of living where the care for ourselves is matched by our care for each other, wider humanity and our natural world. We work for justice and fairness in all walks of life.
Through all that we do, we hope to develop a spirit of community with each other. The Chapel is a place where you will find people who operate from a spirit of generosity and openness.
Some of our activities are organised by members of The Chapel, others by members of the locality.
Our Eco-garden Bee Hotel
The Chapel is registered for weddings and other ceremonies such as naming services and funerals. We have experienced officials who can help to plan and deliver life events which are in keeping with the shared beliefs and values of those participating and officiating.